Strategy - case studies

Sulphuric Acid Supply Study

Sulphuric acid is a key input for many existing mining-related operations within the clients’ jurisdiction. Current demand is predominantly met by domestic production as a by-product of copper and zinc smelting. However, the pending closure of the State's largest smelter by 2030 – or earlier – could remove 47% of the total current local production capacity.

In addition to expected supply chain disruptions, demand for sulphuric acid is expected to surge, with a host of new projects relying on it at various stages of development across the State. In response to this potential significant demand-supply imbalance, the client engaged CRU to undertake a comprehensive study into the supply and demand of sulphuric acid in the Northern Minerals Provinces.

The study set provided insight into the global markets for sulphur and sulphuric acid over the medium and long-term; identified the project-specific supply and demand in the State; forecast pricing for imports delivered to various demand centres; identified constraints and opportunities for local supply; and provided engineering options for the supply of sulphuric acid that meet the demands of current and proposed critical mineral, value-add phosphate, grid storage electrolyte and chemical manufactures in the State.

The results of the study will be used to inform the client as it engages with key stakeholders in the region to develop a suitable solution to meet the region’s long-term requirements.

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