Strategy - case studies

Steel and iron ore market study and evaluation of product mix options for a mega-city in the GCC

The client wanted to develop a business case to attract strategic investors and other partners to build a greenfield, green steel production facility within the proximity of the planned mega-city project.

This coincided with the client’s vision to supply steel to its own construction and infrastructure projects and supply ‘green’ steel to export markets worldwide.

Working to an extremely aggressive deadline as dictated by the investment decision timeline laid down by the client, we developed a forecast for both green steel demand and green premium for different regions globally at an end-use sector level and finished steel product level.

This enabled us to determine the most attractive product/market combinations to target, using our proprietary portfolio analysis tools. From this, three different product mix options were developed and evaluated from which final product mix recommendations were made, according to the strategic objectives of the project.

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