Strategy - case studies

Middle East Mining

CRU was engaged by the client, a major mining company based in the Middle East, to undertake a comprehensive study on new mineral commodities the client should target as part of its diversification strategy.

Our work assessed the geological prospectivity, economic potential and risks associated with each metallic and industrial mineral likely to exist in the country. Results were used to hone down the list of minerals to a handful of high-potential mineral commodities with attractive geological, economic and operational credentials.

CRU provided clear recommendations in a suite of documents and models, which were used as the principal tools for the client’s internal strategy decision making.


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Our previous work

We work with companies, financials, governments and associations from all over the world, and have done since our founding in 1969.

The following is a small sample of the hundreds of bespoke projects we execute every year across different industries, commodities and practice areas.  

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