Specialty Phosphate Service


Utilising our 50+ years of expertise across the battery supply chain with technology insight , CRU can unpack the complex mine-to market supply chains and comprehensive insight into upstream phosphate sourcing and downstream technology evolution.

The specialty phosphate service delivers a thorough investigation into the nuances of the supply chain, global and regional changes, and a granular identification of the technologies that will dictate future demand.

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Key features

Our Specialty Phosphate Service drills into each step of the supply chain

  1. Price forecasts for key price benchmarks.
  2. Comprehensive insight on Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) battery market, what growth here means for demand, and requirements for LFP quality.
  3. Unique information on China, production, demand, capacity build-out and trade.
  4. Industrial, Food and Animal Feed Phosphate data with purified phosphoric acid costs.
  5. Growth in the water-soluble fertilizer market and what this means for tMAP demand.

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