Battery Sector

Lithium batteries in an assembly line

A Full View from Mine-to-Market

In the rapidly evolving battery industry, navigating supply chain complexities, raw material demand, and technological advancements is crucial.

CRU provides comprehensive insights, data, and forecasts that empower businesses to optimise every stage of their battery value chain. From mining and material sourcing to manufacturing and market strategy, our expert analysis helps you stay ahead of industry trends, manage risks, and make informed decisions. 

With CRU's support, you can meet sustainability goals, enhance operational efficiency, and capitalise on emerging opportunities in this dynamic market.

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Navigate the Complex Interplay of Material Supply, Costs and Technologies

The global shift towards electric vehicles, and renewable stationary energy storage is driving unprecedented demand for batteries. As the world moves to decarbonise and reduce reliance on fossil fuels, batteries play a critical role in enabling this energy transition.

This shift is fueled by the need for sustainable, efficient energy storage solutions that support clean technologies. However, navigating the complex landscape of raw material supply, cost pressures, and technological advancements presents significant challenges.

CRU offers comprehensive insights into the battery industry's dynamics, providing critical data on raw material demand, supply chain optimisation, cost modeling, and market intelligence. Stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market. 

  1. Raw Material Demand Forecasts: Anticipate future material needs and pricing trends.
  2. Supply Chain Analysis: Optimize sourcing and logistics across the battery value chain.
  3. Cost Modelling: Detailed cost breakdowns for battery materials and technologies.
  4. Market Intelligence: Insights into global battery market dynamics and opportunities.
  5. Sustainability Strategies: Guidance on meeting environmental and sustainability targets
  6. Technological Advancements: Updates on cutting-edge battery technologies and innovations.

Why Choose us?

CRU supports companies transitioning to clean technologies by providing detailed market analysis, insights into raw material demand, and forecasts on emerging technologies. We help businesses navigate the complexities of decarbonisation, supply chain shifts, and regulatory changes, enabling them to make informed decisions that align with sustainability goals and market demands.