Data - Supply and Demand

CRU Data - Supply and Demand

Consistent and complete market fundamentals data

Welcome to a new era of market intelligence, where consistent and comprehensive data drive your business forward. At CRU, we provide you with crucial consumption, production, capacity, trade, market balance and inventory data across the mining, metals, fertilizer and battery value chains. This data is indispensable for understanding and forecasting prices, ensuring you stay ahead in the market.

Our globally reconciled coverage offers granular, consistent details by region, country, market sector or producer. We deliver timely five-year and longer-term forecasts for all key supply and demand parameters, aligning seamlessly with our in-house macroeconomic, cost and industry sector forecasts.

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Data supply and demand ship in a port

Our data empowers you to perform precise supply/demand and price analysis and forecasting, identify sales or purchase opportunities, and develop effective selling or purchasing tactics. Additionally, we support your negotiation efforts, operational and strategic planning, and internal or external reporting needs.

By choosing our services, you gain access to unparalleled market insights, enabling you to make informed, data-driven decisions with confidence. Let us help you navigate the complexities of the commodities market with ease and expertise.

Related solutions

Our robust, seamless and accurate price benchmarks are a key feature of our packaged solutions - learn more about each one here, or request a demo.

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