The energy transition is spurring rapid growth in electric vehicles and energy storage, and places immense pressure to supply the batteries and critical minerals that fuel them. 

The United States faces both a challenge and an opportunity to secure its place in this race and capture the economic and strategic benefits. 

"CRU’s steel and aluminum emissions analysis, cost analysis, and publications have been immensely helpful in answering our nuanced policy questions. Their emissions database is second to none, offering unique insights into the drivers of emissions and greatly expanding our knowledge in this burgeoning field.

Our team relies heavily on CRU’s data for production capability, pricing, and cost information. Beyond their exceptional data and user-friendly interface, CRU’s dedicated customer service is a standout. They consistently resolve our queries in a timely and detailed manner, often suggesting innovative and practical solutions that further enhance our understanding."

– Commerce Official

Agenda Overview: 

The Opportunity

+ Drivers and barriers for the energy transition

The Challenge

+ The threat from China and Chinese-origin companies

+ Overcapacity and intensifying competition

+ Cost-competitiveness of US industry

The Risk

+ Diversification and de-risking supply chains

+ Technology shifts

+ Securing critical battery raw materials:

+ Lithium: Surge of supply from new sources

+ Nickel & cobalt: Dominance of Indonesia

+ Manganese & graphite: Barriers to build-out in US-FTA countries

Also covered: Role of electrical steel in the energy transition


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