
Jumana Saleheen

CRU is pleased to announce its coverage plans for the UN Climate Change Conference – COP26.


The conference will take place in Glasgow this year between 31 October and 12 November. Our coverage will include live webinars and the launch of a new CRU Sustainability Podcast series.

Based on CRU Sustainability’s Knowledge and Insight series, our podcasts will feature our expert team alongside prominent external speakers.

We will air concise, impactful episodes throughout the conference and align closely to the COP26 conference presidency programme. Our podcasts will cover energy, finance, technology and transport. As a leading independent source of mining, metals and fertilizers market intelligence, our discussions will focus on sustainability demands and impacts across the commodities value chain.

Attending the major climate event, CRU’s Head of Sustainability, Jumana Saleheen says:

Further coverage will include live webinars, updates on our social channels, and further insights and analysis from our sustainability experts.

To receive updates about the Sustainability Podcast Series and COP26 coverage, please register your interest below.