As interest in the market potential of Africa grows, the inaugural CRU Africa Wire, Cable & Tube Conference is perfectly timed to address the business opportunities for local producers and manufacturers, seeking to establish new trade partnerships with international stakeholders involved in the African steel, copper and aluminium supply chains.

This important new event is co-organised by CRU and The Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK), and will be held on 11-13 November 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The conference has attracted strong support from key local associations including the Steel Tube Export Association of South Africa (STEASA) and the Association of Electric Cable Manufacturers of South Africa (AECMSA). International supporters include wire and Tube Düsseldorf, the world’s largest trade shows in these fields, as lead sponsors.

Companies confirmed to speak include the South African Department of Trade and Investment, and the Nigerian Ministry of Mines & Steel Development. Major international companies such as ArcelorMittal, El Sewedy Electric and Aurubis will be sharing their market insights, and local manufacturing leaders such as Aberdare Cables, Alcon Marepha, CBI African Cables, Barnes Tubing Industries, Honingcraft, Hall Longmore and Macsteel Tube & Pipe will discuss their opportunities and challenges in a series of high-level panel discussions.

CRU’s experts will explore the main trends impacting the global copper, aluminium and steel markets, and how they might affect African development across the wire & cable, and tube & pipe industries. The agenda also includes a day of technical showcases, with industry experts exploring the latest global technological advances in manufacturing, and how they can be applied to African operations.

The conference will be complemented by an exhibition of more than 20 leading international metals manufacturing technology service providers, including: SMS Group, AESA, Cable Manufacturing Optimization (PTY), Ltd., Clobbi, Jiangsu Hero Way Rolling Co., Ltd. Macotech, Maysky, OMS, Sikora, Supermac, WPSSP, and Zumbach.

The inaugural CRU Africa Wire, Cable & Tube Conference will be held at the Emperors Palace, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Please visit for more details and to book your place.

We would like to invite all members of the press involved in these industries to support the conference. Please contact email to request free access or to discuss media partnerships.